100% natural latex matresses and pillows again in stock

Another 100% natural option for pillows made from 100% natural latex, produced directly at Sri Lanca are in stock again. What´s so great about them? They´re outstanding durability, resistance to disintegration and minimum care requirements. Look for more information about the great charasteristics of these pillows directly in their detailed description.

But why do not take advantage of these qualities in larger scale, right? Our 100% natural latex matresses provide comfortable yet firm support for your body without any compromise as for the natural quality of your sleeping space. They have 20 years long guarantee from the producer for their qualities in flexibility and profile persistence. Soft, yet fixing perfectly your body to the natural prosition, the material is completely hostile to mites and other unwanted organisms. Intelligent, naturally designed material directly by the Mother Nature...

The organic certified version is in stock again:

Custom organic bedlinen production

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