Clothes for change 11. a 12. 3. 2011 in Prague

AMWA Organic and Toulcův dvůr Praha would like to invite you to a unique event on organic and fairtrade textiles in the Czech Republic:

When: 11. and 12. 3. 2011

Where: Toulcův dvůr (, Centre for Ecological Education of Prague

Guests: Společnost pro Fair Trade o.s., akad. arch. Oldřich Hozman

You will be presented organic products of Organic textile platform AMWA and organic home textiles by AMWA Organic.


17:00-19:00 Opening and vernisage of exhibition Ušili to na nás! - photo documents from a journey along textile factories in Asia


  9:30-10:00 Clothes for change (AMWA Organic)

10:00-11:30 Ušili to na nás! (Society for Fair Trade)

12:15-13:00 How to recognize a quality clothing production? (Anique)

13:00-13:45 Holistic and social aspects of architecture (akad. arch. Oldřich Hozman)

14:00-15:00 Organic textile production - why, how and what for? (AMWA Organic)

15:30-16:00 Students´ organic fashion show of Organic textile platform AMWA

16:10-17:00 Free discussion with all lecturers

           17:45 The end and a word of thanks (AMWA Organic)


10:00-12:00 Clothes make a personality... and who makes the clothes? (workshop for a limited number of participants about the social aspects of textile production - please sign up in advance at

13:00-15:00 Clothes make a person... and who makes the clothes? (a repetition of the forenoon workshop)

A killer bargain (document Denmark, 2006) - with hidden camera to textile factories

Practical workshop: making of a modern form of a historical corset from organic materials (Sunday Morning)

Photo exhibition Ušili to na nás! 

Visitors will be welcome by delicious refreshments of the Healthy canteen of Toulcuv Dvur and fairtrade delicatessen from Fairove.

You can find out more about the program at the following flyer:

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