Road from hell... to sustainable fashion heaven

We would like to invite you to a special event about organic and fair trade textile

by AMWA Organic

"Road from hell... to sustainable fashion heaven"

On 29th Novemeber 2010 you will be most welcome to spend an evening about the past, the present and the future of the textile production. Come, gain and share new information and incentives and meet interesting people who create the Czech organic and fair trade field. Her personal experience from travelling around asian textile mills will share Michaela Rychtecká from Society for Fair Trade.

You will also have an exceptional opportunity to see products from AMWA Organic and other responsible branches, as well as organic and ethical collections from several progressive Czech fashion designers all at one place. Everything will be also available for purchase, so if you waver about this year´s Christmas presents, you´ll get a perfect chance to pick up presents with a sense of being gentle to the world around.

When: 29th November 2010 from 20:00

Where: HUB Praha, Drtinova 10, Praha 5

Entrance: voluntarily fair


AMWA Organic - Cesta z pekla... na trvale udržitelné módní nebe

(click for higher resolution)

"There is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger and unhappiness."

Mahatma Ghandi

Thank you, if you are passing the information on. You can find all material attached (in Czech):

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