Two new cheerful designs of organic buckwheat and spelt cushions

The family of our organic buckwheat and spelt pillows has two new members in very cheerful colours! :)

This kind of pillows is an ultimate choice if you´re looking for ergonomic pillows. They can be formed to different shapes to perfectly support your neck regardless the position you are sleeping in right now. We use only organic certified materials and the organic hulls come from czech organic agriculture. So what do you think, do you like them? :)

Polštář biobavlna bio pohanka a špalda


Polštář biobavlna bio pohanka a špalda


These pillows are an addition to our organic cotton bedlinen AMWA Harmony Art (you will find a link to them in the detail of each pillow).

Don´t forget there are more desings to choose from!

Custom organic bedlinen production

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Organic cotton products and fabrics

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